Image library management, storage and organisation

Manage your digital assets in one place. LightRocket Enterprise is an intuitive browser-based digital asset management platform that makes archive management easy and efficient.

Organise and store your files inside folders.

Digital asset management that's flexible and efficient

Our DAM system allows you to store all your digital media assets safely in a centralised cloud storage system. This central location allows your teams to easily locate, view and/or download files from anywhere in the world.

Our user-friendly image library management system gives you the flexibility to create as many folders and subfolders as you like, helping your team keep files grouped and organised.

Prefer to share galleries? No problem! Group your photos into galleries which can then be published and viewed by your clients or anyone you share them with.

LightRocket's digital asset management system has convenient tools for batch editing file information. This not only saves your team time (and money) but also frustration. With our archive management software, you can add, replace and remove keywords from batches of files quickly and easily - giving you and your team the flexibility, and speed, to navigate changes smoothly.

Our boutique image library management software also enables you to manage any digital file type, including photos, videos, audio files, PDFs and much more.

Group your photos with galleries to showcase them.

Interested in getting to know more?

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help improve your digital asset management.

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