Intuitive analytics and reporting built directly into your archive management software

See an overview of your archive using the admin dashboard.

Keep track of user behaviour through your archive management software

Effortlessly keep track of your archive, user behaviour, file downloads, and more, with our intuitive analytics and reporting feature. Gain a clear understanding of how your teams, and clients, use your archive management software and allow these insights to inform your strategy.

The LightRocket Enterprise analytics dashboard is created with you in mind. Our user-friendly charts allow you to quickly visualise data trends to get an overview. Or dive deeper and keep track of data usage such as total number of files uploaded, galleries published, storage used, downloads, and user registrations and more.

Performance statistics

Easy-to-read site traffic and performance snapshots give you valuable insights that can drive strategy.

Track all downloads

Always know how downloaded files are used and by whom. Record download history and send customized usage reminders.

Search history and statistics

Statistics on what keywords and parameters your users are using allow you to optimise file info to boost visibility.

User tracking

A clean table view allows you to see your users' company / department, email address, join date, account status, role and download rights.

Send and track emails

You can easily compose and send emails to multiple recipients directly from the platform and track email history.

Use analytics to get an overview of your platforms usage.

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