LightRocket Enterprise DAM System Features

LightRocket provides you with everything you need to manage your digital media assets. Our digital asset management system is packed full of innovative features which enable you to easily organise, share and secure your digital archive.

Storage and organisation

Manage all your digital media assets in one place. Our intuitive browser-based digital asset management system makes archive management easy and efficient.

Organise with folders

Centralised cloud storage

Keep all your digital media assets stored safely in one central location so that your team can easily find and use files.

Batch editing tools

Intuitive tools for conveniently batch editing file information. Add, replace and remove keywords from batches of files quickly and safely.

Drag and drop files

Our simple drag and drop function makes uploading and moving files between folders and galleries hassle free.

Upload any file type

Manage any digital file type: including photos, videos, audio files, PDFs and much more.

Organise with folders

Stay organised. Create as many folders and subfolders as you need. Keep your files grouped and organised just they way you like.

Group with galleries

Group your photos using galleries. Each gallery can be published and viewed by your clients and/or anyone you share with.

Group with galleries

Search and find files

Find tagged images in a flash using LightRocket's photo management software. Use advanced search filters that enable you to search by date, filename, within captions, by location, by file and license type, between dates and much more.

Read and write metadata

Advanced search filters

Filter files with options such as location, file type, contributor, orientation and more. These advanced filters allow you to easily locate a file in your digital archive, stress free.

Read and write metadata

Our comprehensive file info editor gives you the freedom to read, edit and add metadata directly to files. It'll even guide you to make this process as simple as possible.

Visibility meters and metadata checks

We've included at-a-glance file status icons. These unique visibility meters help prompt users to complete key file information. This helps increase accurate search functionality. Just another way our DAM management system makes life simpler for you.

Professional thesarus keywording

Our 40,000-term keyword thesaurus makes tagging files fast and comprehensive. Save time by simply selecting related keywords. You can even add and manage your own thesauri, giving you the freedom to customise our platform to your needs.

GPS tagging

Save time with our automatic GPS tagging system. This feature automatically fills in GPS location information, so you don't have to.

Professional thesarus keywording

File distribution and sharing

Easily distribute your files within and outside of your organisation. With LightRocket, you have the power to set privacy permissions. Decide whether your digital media assets are 'view only' or allow full download access. The choice is yours.

Send files using secure links

Send files using secure links

Easily send a 'view only' or 'download' link to multiple recipients, set expiration dates, limit downloads and/or resize your assets. All with the LightRocket Digital asset management system.

Share lightboxes

Create a selection of digital media assets using Lightboxes. These are similar to boards and can be shared and downloaded as you'd like.

Publish and share galleries

Create galleries that can be published to your client front-end portal for the everyone to see. Or create galleries that can only be shared within your organisation.

Share on social media

Easily share your files and galleries on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and more.

Embeddable content

Easily embed content directly from your digital archive management software into another website with a single line of code.

Embeddable content

File access and privacy

With LightRocket, you're always in control. Easily set access levels and define degrees of privacy for your users and digital media assets.

Set file access


Publish files and galleries to your client front-end portal to make them findable.

Set file access

Define and create access levels according to your needs. Set different access levels for different users and/or different files. You can also easily allow your publishing editors to set access levels too.

Download permissions

Grant viewing and download permissions based on the access levels that you've set. You can also set expiry dates for these rights - leaving you will complete control of who sees your files.

Create and manage groups

Create named user groups for contributors and important contacts. You can then use these groups for sending files to targeted recipients or creating teams of contributors.

Consent forms

We've got you covered with our consent form management. Create and quickly retrieve consent forms with linked files in seconds, ensuring you'll always know what's happening with consent in your images.

Download permissions

Branding and personalisation

We know that your branding is important. That's why we'll help you design and match your archive management system to your company's brand. We'll also gladly build bespoke features to create the perfect archive management system for you.

International Organization for Migration website screenshot

Custom designs

Customise your front facing site to incorporate your brand. This includes a unique homepage, header, fonts and theme, based on your needs.

Bespoke feature requests

Want a feature that you don't see listed? Get in touch with us and we'll discuss your options, costings, and a timeline for when we can implement it for you.


LightRocket's system has multilingual architecture which ensures users from around the globe can feel comfortable using your digital archive management platform in their own language.

Analytics and reporting

Stay informed. Easily view detailed analytics and gain insights into your archive usage, user behaviour, download activity and more.

Dashboard overview

Dashboard overview

Simple analytics charts allow you to visualise and track data such as total number of files, galleries published, storage used, downloads, user registrations ad more.

Performance statistics

Easy-to-read site traffic and performance snapshots give you valuable insights that can impact your strategy.

Track all downloads

Remain up to date with how your downloaded files are used and by whom. Record download history and easily send customised usage reminders.

Search history and statistics

Access statistics on what keywords and parameters are used, allowing you to optimise file info and boost visibility.

User tracking

Quickly and clearly view your users' company/department, email address, join date, account status, role and download rights. Giving you a strong understanding of user behaviour.

Send and track emails

You can easily compose and send emails to multiple recipients directly from within your archive management platform. You can even track email history, so you never miss a thing.

Performance statistics


Grow with us. LightRocket scales to your company's needs. We'll help you determine the appropriate integrations, storage and system specs that will best fit your requirements.

Unlimited users and admins


Pre-built integrations help you stay consistent across all workflows with a single source of truth.

Unlimited users and admins

Enjoy the freedom of an unlimited user base. Add users as your needs evolve. With LightRocket there's no limit on users.

Unlimited files and storage

Pay as you grow server storage scaled to meet your needs. Manage and pay for storage directly. The choice is yours. Just another way we help you remain in control of your digital media assets.

Updates and support

The LightRocket platform that is always evolving. We are dedicated to constantly expanding and improving in terms of scope and functionality, ensuring you are never behind the curve.


Rest assured knowing that we have a dedicated security team to ensure that only the best safety practices are implemented. With us, your archives are secure, backed up and you can even opt for additional security features.

Authentication and Access

Authentication and Access

LightRocket offers multiple levels of security. These include; 2FA (two factor) authentication, SSO sign-on (single user sign on), email link validation and captcha verifications. All are designed to keep your system and data safe from unauthorized access or attacks.

Network Security

To ensure security across all our networks, we define tight Access Control Lists for accessing our networks, both internally and externally, and we use Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) to isolate our clients' infrastructure within a region.


LightRocket ensures full encryption in transit (TLS 1.2, TLS 1.3). VPN technology is deployed to protect connections to our internal infrastructure. All S3 archive data is also encrypted at rest.

World Class Secure Storage

All our data is hosted on AWS, which is considered the gold standard for secure storage. Amazon data centers are designed for global latency and are protected by layers of physical security. It's S3 storage service is designed for 99.999999999% (11 9's) durability, and currently stores data for millions of customers all around the world.

Always Backed Up

It goes without saying that your data is backed up. LightRocket creates disk snapshots and database backups to ensure rapid recovery if needed.

WAF (Web Application Firewall) Protection

LightRocket has deployed WAF protection to add an extra layer of protection which filters incoming traffic and defends against sophisticated application attacks, and can help detect and mitigate DDoS attacks.

Read more on our security page
Authentication and Access

Interested in getting to know more?

Get in touch with us today to find out how we can help improve your digital asset management.

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